Hausner Makers

Fourth Meeting: Sunday 9/29/2024

Our fourth meeting will be held at Hausner on Sunday, September 29th from 2-4pm. All members of our community are welcome to attend. Please RSVP here.

Meeting Specs

Open Make

Did you make something over the summer that you’d like to share with the group? Awesome! Step up to the mic and tell us all about it during a 1 minute show & tell.

Guest Speaker

Hausner dad Noah Rosenberg is giving a short presentation sharing how he and his family built a children's reading nook - in a tree! 

Maker Challenge

Using recycled and repurposed parts we’ll build fantastical cosmic creatures with secret talents! No special knowledge or experience is needed to participate.

Interested in attending? Great! Please RSVP here so we can plan accordingly.

Hausner Makers Cosmic Creatures

Third Meeting: Sunday 4/14/2024

Our third meeting will be held at Hausner on Sunday, April 14th from 2-4pm. All members of our community are welcome to attend. Please RSVP here

Meeting Specs

Open Make

Have you made something that you’d like to share with the group? Great! Step up to the mic and tell us all about it during a 1 minute show & tell.

Maker Challenge

We’re going to be building machines that create art when they’re raced! To maximize build and race time we won’t have a guest maker speaker at this meeting. As always, we’ll be making extensive use of recycled and repurposed parts, no special knowledge or experience is needed to participate.

Interested in attending? Great! Please RSVP here so we can plan accordingly.

Hausner Makers Third Event

Second Meeting: Sunday 12/3/2023

Held at Hausner on Sunday, December 3rd from 2-4pm. All families with children in grades TK-8 are welcome to attend. Please RSVP here.

Meeting Specs

Guest Maker

Ray Hari, the Founder and President of Bruin Country Woodturners and an instructor at Santa Clara Adult Education, will be giving a presentation on using lathes to turn wood into beautiful objects such as bowls, flutes, and vases. Hari will be explaining some of the tools & techniques used in "turning" along with displaying some of his extraordinary work for everyone to see up close. 

Maker Challenge

We’re going to bring Mad Libs stories to life in 3 dimensions through the creation of wacky contraptions that are a mashup of miniature golf, ping pong catapults and arcade games. As always, we’ll be making extensive use of recycled and repurposed parts, no special knowledge or experience is needed to participate.

Interested in attending? Great! Please RSVP here so we can plan accordingly.

Hausner Makers Silly Slingers

First Meeting: Sunday 10/15/2023

Our first meeting will be held at Hausner on Sunday, October 15th from 2-4pm. All members of our community are welcome to attend. Please RSVP here.

Meeting Specs

Guest Maker

Jim Wall, Board President of the Museum of American Heritage (MOAH), will be giving an exciting presentation on “High-Voltage Marvels”! He will also demonstrate several vintage high-voltage pieces of electrical equipment that are totally safe to touch including a Tesla Coil, Van de Graaff generator, and Jacob’s Ladder arc.

Maker Challenge

We’re going to be building an “Android Orchestra!” from recycled and
repurposed parts! No special knowledge or experience is needed to participate.

Interested in attending the first meeting? Great! Please RSVP here so we can plan accordingly. 

Hausner Makers 1st Meeting

More about Hausner Makers

Hausner Makers hero image