Prayers: Texts and Audio

Click on any of the prayers below to see the text in Hebrew and transliteration.
Then press play to sing along with Cantor Meeka Simerly to learn the prayers.

Havdalah הבדלה  
[Hausner Monday Morning Service]

Shacharit שחרית 
[Hausner Thursday Morning Service]

Opening Blessings

Birkot HaShachar

Psukei D'Zimrah

Preparation for Shema

Shema and Blessings

Preparation for Amidah


Torah Service


Kabbalat Shabbat קבלת שבת 
[Hausner Friday Afternoon Service]

Birkat HaMazon  ברכת המזון  
[Hausner Blessing After Lunch]

Classroom and Communal Blessings