Community Responsibilty

A sense of community responsibility is infused throughout our students’ academic and social experience with the goal of guiding them to become impactful leaders in their communities and beyond.

We address local, national, and international crises with our students and discuss the ways in which they can help through their actions and donations.

Community service comes to life at every grade level in developmentally-appropriate ways. At each stage, students investigate social concerns, take action, reflect on their experiences, and celebrate their impact.

The Jewish values that are woven into our curriculum include:

  • Tikkun olam, repairing the world

  • Tzedakah, righteous giving to those in need

  • Bikkur cholim, caring for the sick

  • Ma'achil re'evim, feeding the hungry

  • G’milut chasadim, acts of loving kindness

  • Tza'ar ba'alei chayim, compassion to animals

  •  Bal tashchit, protecting the environment

Community responsibility highlights through the years:

IDF soldier signaling thumbs up

Hey Hausner Kindergarteners, I wanted to say a big thank you to you for all the effort and time you put into your amazing presents for me and my fellow soldiers. The cards and candies were so nice and sweet - it made our day!
Adam, a lone soldier in the IDF and a Hausner alumnus
On Yom Ha'atzmaut 2020 the children made cards and pictures to be sent to soldiers in the IDF. They also included some treats to sweeten their day.

Adam, our graduate, received a package addressed to him, with instructions to share with the other soldiers at his base.

Two young girls smiling for a photo