Jewish Life

Every time I go to a Hausner event, I feel proud to be Jewish.
-Mike A., kindergarten, 2nd grade and 4th grade parent

Living a vibrant Jewish life is one of our core values, and at Hausner, Jewish life extends beyond the classroom.

Students grow to understand Jewish tradition and culture through meaningful, joyful experiences in a warm and inclusive environment.

Yom Ha'atzmaut Celebration

Yom Ha'atzmaut Celebration

Celebrating our identity 

We honor the range of Jewish practices and beliefs among our students and their families, and celebrate Jewish holidays and Shabbat with this diversity in mind. Tefillah (prayers), Kabbalat Shabbat (the Friday evening service) and Havdalah (the end of Shabbat) are taught and practiced in engaging and age-appropriate ways that allow students to develop and express their own spirituality. 

Girls in costumes during Purim celebrations

Coming together as a community 

We encourage students and their families to explore and celebrate Jewish life together, and to live their Jewish values by making a difference in their communities. Our holiday celebrations are beautiful occasions that bring the whole Hausner community together. Grade-specific ceremonies like the Siddur Ceremony and Kabbalat Torah allow students to share what they have learned in class with their families.

Blowing the shofar in Rosh Hashanah

Rosh Hashanah assembly

Teacher holding up the four species of Sukot

Sukkot: Learning about the four species

Jewish Life Hero

Simchat Torah celebration

Jewish Life

Simchat Torah celebration

Jewish Life

Learning the Purim story

Girls in costumes during Purim celebrations

Purim carnival

Teacher passing out fruit

Tu Bishvat Seder

Kabbalat shabbat in kindergarten

Kabbalat shabbat in kindergarten

Children blessing each other during Kabbalat Shabbat

Children blessing each other during Kabbalat Shabbat

Jewish life

Fifth graders leading Tefillah

First day os school assembly

Commemorating new beginnings in a Jewish way: reciting shehechiyanu on the first day of school

Local rabbi demonstrating olive pressing for Hanukkah

Local rabbi demonstrating olive pressing for Hanukkah
